[thelist] Learning CSS - what's the # for + any good tutorials?

darren darren at web-bitch.co.uk
Mon Mar 18 06:57:00 CST 2002

On 18 March 2002 at 12:31:47, Simon Willison <cs1spw at bath.ac.uk> wrote:

SW> First of all, what does the # do ?

it specifies that the style should be applied to an element with that
id....or words to that effect! ;

SW> Secondly (and more importantly) does anyone know of any good CSS
SW> tutorials which cover the more recent advances in CSS (selectors and
SW> such like) while maintaining a healthy emphasis on what works in what
SW> browsers?

this is a big list of tutorial posted by holly marie on the webdesign
mailing list.  there should be something in there for you! ;>

[1] WestCiv House of Style
***Check their  resources page , too(tutorials are listed too, I
make sure you browse the site, there are many gems and much good
information about CSS at WestCiv.

[2] W3Schools - ahhh tutorial land, some good basics on just about
*every* design/development topic, including XHTML, scripting, XML, DTDs,
even SOAP.  very good web site.     http://www.w3shools.com/
nice simple approach includes interactive learning, with boxes to toss
code in and a view button to see how ihow your creations work - online.
A very nice reference table too. Quick to look up key style items across
versions of the 3 major browsers.

[3]RichInStyle - tutorials online both for CSS1, and CSS2, as well as
masterclass/advanced and cross browser bug  topics /with examples.
used this one years ago in college, and still find myself heading back
to look at some items, new and old.

[4]WebBlazonry has a nice set of info re CSS, reminds me of the
developer Javascript reference pages online. Key items in a side bar
list, linking to more information. http://blazonry.com/css/

[5] WDVL - cascading style sheets.
We used this in college too. There are also links to positioning topics

Yet another reference we used in college.

and Eric A. Meyer's info and references at
he also maintains info here:
and here...
*some new styling examples for web pages, very nice...

[7]CSS Pointers has always been a frequented spot for me, too. Some key
resources here and links to some great writings and topics on CSS.
http://css.nu/   - some dated info but still good stuff here. Have used
this site since startind to code, for much of my reading.

Other web sites with some interesting CSS use, and nice references....
[1] At Glish.com, and Eric Costello's resource page, allows me not list
a bunch of others I have visited over the years that are all good, with
examples of alternatives to table layouts.
http://www.glish.com/css/ [boxless layout, resources for others, and
examples on site - good stuff]
Check out his newly added sites section, they are all great. The newest
listing is a new one to me and now bookmarked

[2] The Noodle Incident - I will list this one because it is neat site,
look at the box link too.

two more should about do the basic collection, as most of these sites or
links, offer up page links to others I also often visit.

[1] Web-Building.com has a very nice set of just resources, sorted into
categories. great link.

[2] An interesting Web site to visit.... XHTML strict, CSS, DOM use.
http://www.markup.co.nz/dom/style_the_dom.htm - DOM/CSS items
http://www.markup.co.nz/colorpicker/back_to_font.htm - an interesting
app, and some DLs available for text editor use.

a few others, when I feel like looking at cross browser  and

Jeff Rule's site

scott andrew's web site and links

Dynamic Duo - crossbrowser DHTML

Thomas Bratta's retooled web site


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