[thelist] Site check www.twitchen.co.uk/trial02/

Kristina Floyd kristina at kfx-design.co.uk
Mon Mar 18 10:50:00 CST 2002


Thank you for taking the time to have a look and make comments, its
greatly appreciated.

on Monday, March 18, 2002, 4:40:50 PM, Veronica wrote:

> The first thing I'd ask is why they feel the frames are necessary. I agree
They want frames because they feel it is important that the menu is
'Always' visible.  It doesn't seem to matter that this will create the
most horrendous scroll bars....!?!

> with you that it doesn't seem appropriate for this site (and on my screen
> there is an ugly scrollbar on the left-hand frame which extends halfway
> down the screen and then stops -- most disconcerting). If you find out why
point duly noted

> they believe frames are necessary, you may be able to think of a way of
> achieving what they require without frames.
This is it, I'm not sure how to acheive the 'staticness' of what they
want without frames.

> PS Although it could use some tidying up, I find the original design
> cleaner and more attractive -- even though it uses frames as well! The
> graded background on the new one looks sludgy and rather old-fashioned.
I totally agree!!  I created the original site in January of 1998!!
At that time I thought frames were great, since then I've changed my
opinion radically.


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