[thelist] sticky check (was: Site check www.twitchen.co.uk/trial02/)

Kristina Floyd kristina at kfx-design.co.uk
Tue Mar 19 03:15:00 CST 2002


on Monday, March 18, 2002, 5:19:07 PM, Mark wrote:

> There's code online at <http://www.mark.ac/help/sticky.html> which may suit

  I've tried implementing your code, but I can't quite get it to
  work, I was wondering if you'd mind having a quick look.

  I've used an included php file for the menu, that is in the #sticky,
  would this make any difference?


  If you need the php files, please let me know and I'll email them
  over.  I hope you don't mind me asking you to do this?


  Just in case anyone is wondering why the url change, I've made two
  versions one with frames and one without, so I can give them the two
  versions to compare.

  framed: http://www.twitchen.co.uk/trial02/
  no frames: http://www.twitchen.co.uk/trialnf/


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