[thelist] FLASH: Stop and Start a Movie

Jen Worden jen at meadoworks.com
Tue Mar 19 09:19:01 CST 2002

At 10:58 PM 18/03/02 -0500, matthew garrett wrote:
> > From: "Casey Crookston" <casey.crookston at imibevcore.com>
> > I'm putting together a little Flash show, and I need to be able to stop the
> > show every so often, and then start it up again based on a key stroke.
>I'm semi guessing on this, but i think you need to add a button to each
>frame on which you stop (it can be a "blank", or invisible, button).

I've just done one using a similar technique Casey, by creating an
invisible button (only use the Hit keyframe) and use the OnMouseEvent >
onRelease (go to...) or (play).

Works like a charm!

Jen Worden - Web Developer
meadoworks - http://www.meadoworks.com

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