[thelist] does anybody make any money with e-commerce?

Hardacker, Andrew Andrew.Hardacker at Compuware.com
Tue Mar 19 09:52:01 CST 2002

We're a wine importer, wholesaler and distributor.
...if we wanted to sell wine on our site we would have had "buy
now" buttons in full force.  Some people don't get the hint.  On the other
hand we don't want to tell people - go away, buy our products in your local
wine shop.

Took a quick look at your site. Very nice -- now my interest is captured,
but where can I buy?

Maybe adding a "Find your local retailer" feature would both emphasize the
fact that you do not sell online and encourage people to look for or ask for
your product locally.

e-commerce is about making money with online support, not just online sales.

Andy Hardacker

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