[thelist] "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet!" ?

Eric Vitiello evolt at perceive.net
Tue Mar 19 11:33:01 CST 2002

-- Simon Willison [Tue, 19 Mar 2002 17:25:03 +0000]:
>Just wondering what the origin of this oh-so-common piece of text is.
>I'm guessing it's Latin but what does it mean and why is it used so
>often to bulk out designs that have not yet had proper text added to
>Case in point: http://www.glish.com/css/blogger/blogger.html - but
>I've seen it loads of times before.

it is placeholder text originally used by typesetters.

a quick search form "lorem ipsum" on google turned up:


as the first link, no less.  good information.

Eric Vitiello
Perceive Designs

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