[thelist] freeviral marketing

Simon Willison cs1spw at bath.ac.uk
Tue Mar 19 12:34:01 CST 2002

David Kutcher wrote:

>Your client wants to subscribe to a pyramid banner ad scheme?  um...
>or was this just a trick to get us to click on your link with the reference
># because you get "points" for doing that?
>Any client that agrees to having random banner ads on their site is not a
>client worth having.
Agreed - it's probably considered unprofessional to beat your client
viciously around the head with a clue stick, but I think in this case it
would be justified...

<tip type="PHP Serialized Arrays">
If you ever need to store data from a PHP application in a flat file as
opposed to a database consider using a serialized array. You can take
virtually any array, object or complex data structure (an array of
objects for example) and use the serialize() function to turn it into a
string which can be stored in a file - then you can retrieve the data
structure at a later date with unserialize(). Not only is it great for
flat file storage but there are plenty of other uses as well - passing
data through hidden form fields, storing data in cookies or storing
objects in a database. For more information see www.php.net/serialize

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