[thelist] "On this day" type data

rudy rudy937 at rogers.com
Tue Mar 19 13:21:01 CST 2002

> Anyone know of a free resource of historical information?

hi ray

      >  middle column
           > second section (Facts-of-the-Day)
                  > second subsection (bulleted links)
                        > second bullet (Today in History)

this breadcrumb was brought to you
courtesy of r937 information architects
( i'm kidding [ but i actually like refdesk's layout! ] )

<tip type="general reference">

>  Preferably a delimited text file?

i know what you mean, there has to be one floating around, because i've seen
the same-looking data on several sites, e.g. http://www.scopesys.com/today/

on the other handsome people enjoy collecting date info, and have built huge
sites around their obsession, er, hobby, e.g. http://davytany.tripod.com/
(sources: http://davytany.tripod.com/06alb000.htm)

(i discovered the above site once while researching calendar info,

> Something along the lines of:
> 4/8/73,Raymond Camden born

is that real data, or sample?


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