[thelist] percents or pixels?

Dave schemer at cyou.com
Tue Mar 19 15:49:00 CST 2002

rudy wrote:

> hi dave
> interesting question, because there's no right answer
> but there is an unspoken assumption in the question
> my answer is always:   neither
> there's an unspoken assumption in that, too
> ;o)
> what did you find out there, dave?
> did you see "give me pixels or give me death"? "a dao of web design"?
> these articles at alistapart helped me a lot
> are there any other good ones?  i haven't looked lately
> rudy

Hi Rudy,
    I read both of those and any others in the google search along with
my Cascading Style Sheets (The Definitive Guide) by O'Reilly. I guess I
need a newer book! It shows support for font-size for NN4 in the CSS1
appendix C: as Y/Y (meaning supported in Windows and Mac) and appendix D:
the CSS Support Chart spec reference 5.2.6 font-size shows full support
for NN4. BUT in the section 5.27 it shows font-family, font-style, and
font-weight having partial support and line-height as having "buggy"
support with no support at all for the font-variant. But font-size shows
supported in that spec reference and this is why I started trying to
figure this mess out in the first place. Maybe this will ring a bell. I
am trying to use a "Times New Roman" font set at 46px and its in a <td>
cell and it has an <img> used as one of the characters in the word World
(it has a small .jpg of the world for the letter "o"). It works great in
NN6x and IE6x but not in NN4.7x and my research was leading me to believe
it should. Bad research? Good chance. Bad browser support? Good chance.
But actually it is probably acceptable but it just bugs me....

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