[thelist] problem space

Karen J. Bowen karen at miinx.com.au
Wed Mar 20 02:47:00 CST 2002

Hey all,

I have a problem with a pesky, persistent space in a site I'm working on.  It's a space in the design - what should be a one pixel wide table cell is extending to about 6px in both IE & moz, and I simply cannot find the cause.

The address is http://www.cellaredportfolio.com.au/test/about.asp

and the nasty space is the vertical white line next to the top nav bar (plus extends down through the white & into the red lower section) - the white space should not be there, as that is a 1px-wide cell.

Thanks in advance for any clues!

Miinx Design & Development
e :: karen at miinx.com.au
p :: 03 9534 2659
w :: www.miinx.com.au

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