[thelist] clarification on strange css property please

Liorean Liorean at user.bip.net
Wed Mar 20 12:22:00 CST 2002

At 11:15 2002-03-20 -0600, Arlen.P.Walker at jci.com wrote:
> >FONT: 12px/1.2 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
> >
> >I am a bit puzzled by the 12px/1.2 shorthand - can anyone shed some light
> >for me? It seems to be saying that the size is either 12px or 1.2
> >or am I reading this wrong?
>12 pixels height, 1.2 times that (or 14.4) pixels line spacing.

Remember that line-height is either rounded or truncated (don't know which)
to actual pixels in most (read: all but Opera) browsers. This might cause
problems when scaling text.

// Liorean

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