[thelist] Need ammunitions

Erik Mattheis gozz at gozz.com
Thu Mar 21 08:31:11 CST 2002

At 8:50 AM -0500 3/21/02, Nicole Parrot wrote:
>we need some sort of
>ammunition to tell the client.
>Screenshots of problems you may get would be very much appreciated.
>The site has been designed for a Windows platform, IE browser and a
>resolution of 1024x768 (cause that's what the client has on his desk)  If
>you have that, then the site will be fine, mostly.
>Comments in layman's terms would be appreciated too.

If their site is already successful in the sense that people use it,
the problem will take care of itself: they will receive comments in
laymen terms and from laymen along the lines of: "why do you now only
have two pages on your site? My mouse turns to a hand, but I can't go

Or possibly, they _want_ something that will look good on their
desktop and they don't care about anything else and the new place
gave them what they paid for instead of something else. Or maybe the
main thing they like about it is that they can read the text on the
links without eyestrain.

- Erik Mattheis

(612) 377 2272


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