[thelist] Titles displaying inline...

DESCHAMPS Stéphane DvSI/SICoR stephane.deschamps at francetelecom.com
Thu Mar 21 11:24:01 CST 2002

> Are you talking about using something like:
> <SPAN CLASS="title">Title text</SPAN><SPAN
> CLASS="ParagraphText">Paragraph
> text...</SPAN>
> ?
> IIRC spans are non-breaking unlike divs.

Nonono, someone found a CSS solution based on tags hx+p.

I've experimented and found that this works (at least in NN6):

h1 { display:inline; }
h1+p { display:inline }


It's for the sake of argument in an internal newsgroup in my company.

Thanks anyway.

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