[thelist] Deselecting a select element in JS

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Thu Mar 21 13:24:00 CST 2002


> From: Hardacker, Andrew
> > How do you deselect a select element using JavaScript
> > (IYSWIM) ?
> I don't believe you can. IE will let you set
> selectedIndex to a negative number, but that's
> technically illegal - it has to be positive -
> so Netscape will override any attempt to set
> selectedIndex to -1 or null with 0, which corresponds
> to the first option.

where do you see that it says that a negative number is invalid?  here's an exercise for you.  make a page with a select with no options selected.  now, pop an alert() to get the selectedIndex of that select.  guess what, it's -1.  if you can read a -1, you can probably set a -1.

just to be absolutely sure, i put this example together:




jeff at members.evolt.org

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