[thelist] tip: ASP.NET - Property Declarations

darren darren at web-bitch.co.uk
Fri Mar 22 04:05:00 CST 2002

On 21 March 2002 at 23:46:04, Chris Blessing <webguy at mail.rit.edu> wrote:

CB> property ToAddress() as String
CB>         get
CB>                 return mstrAddr
CB>         end get

CB>         set(ByVal strAddr as String)
CB>                 mstrAddr = strAddr
CB>         end set
CB> end property

a slight alternative for your set is:

   property ToAddress() as String
         return mstrAddr
      end get

         mstrAddr = value
      end set
   end property

value is the values is a keyword that refers to the value being assigned to
the property.

also, if you have only a get or a set in the property you have to mark the
property as readonly or writeonly.



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