[thelist] Select Menus - Are they usefull?

Mark Howells mark at mountain.ch
Fri Mar 22 18:32:14 CST 2002

> It is my opinion that, functionally, dropdowns make for good navigation.  I
> have not read nor am I aware of cons to dropdowns.  I will check out these
> folks opinions.  I think, when creating navigation, you have consider Human
> Factors (5-7) and not go over that limit.  A long drop down with lots of
> links like the one you have on your site could possibly work against you.
> You may want to consider a hiernav with submenus.  Just a thought.

Using select menus for navigation is fine if you're developing for an
environment where people are used to using form controls. New visitors, or
people who are not au fait with computers and the internet, may not see a
select box as a menu.

DHTML menus may be a better option, provided that they are implemented to
work with alternate functionality in browsers with no Javascript, and that
you don't use the HierMenus scripts available at DHTML Lab - they're
licensed now and so you'll have to pay to use them.

Mark Howells

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