[thelist] navigation through form posting

David Kutcher david_kutcher at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 24 14:58:01 CST 2002

>  - pages can't be accurately bookmarked.
Agreed, unless they are using GET instead of POST

>  - users can't share a page with others by simply
>    sending the address they see in the address bar.
Same response as above.

>  - using the back button gives an expired form
>    post message.
Not if using GET... and it depends, because you could create a javascript to
modify the behavior of the back button and to call values from hidden form
elements that would supply the values necessary.

>  - reloading gives a "repost form data" message.
Again, only if POST, not GET

>  - link destinations are obscured in a manner even
>    worse than obscuring it with descriptive text
Not necessarily true, but a good point.  You can put alt text on a form
submit button.

>  - non-js browsers and browsers with js disabled
A non-js browser?  sigh.  I really wish we could get past browsers that
don't support commonly used (98%+ of the market) technologies that have been
around since 1996 (6 years+)


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