[thelist] navigation through form posting

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Sun Mar 24 15:07:00 CST 2002


> From: David Kutcher
> Could you post a few examples?


> I see no real reason why javascript would be an issue
> (come on, browsers without javascript in 2002?)

surely you jest, right?

how about javascript capable browser, but javascript is disabled for reasons ranging from being tired of the javascript pop-under windows that have become so popular for ads to security concerns, real or not?

what do you do about people that are behind firewalls that strip javascript?  not a whole lot they can do even if they've got js enabled eh?

what if i don't have a browser on my machine, but i've got telnet or ssh?  so, i connect to another machine and crank up an instance of lynx.  no javascript there.

then let's talk about accessing your content with something other than a browser.  how many handheld devices have javascript?  ie for windows ce device doesn't count.  that leaves you with a big fat zero currently.

> The only issue that I realistically see is
> bookmarking... it would be a sloppy url string.

provided the scripting uses the get method, in which case bookmarking wouldn't be an issue at all as all the information for the current view would be in the url.  so what if it's really long, that doesn't make it unbookmarkable.

however, i don't think that's the method tony was talking about though.  he was referring to something more like expediamaps.com has.  try getting some driving directions and bookmarking the page.  it can't be done.


jeff at members.evolt.org

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