[thelist] Need ammunitions

BT Bigpant bigpant at btinternet.com
Sun Mar 24 17:17:23 CST 2002

> Comments in layman's terms would be appreciated too.

I haven't time to scan the code, anyway plenty of others have done so. My
observations are:

It took 1' 03" to load on a 56K modem. About 1' too long.
Adding up the main elements yields approx. 30K for the webpage and 100K+ for
graphics = 130K+ for a main page. Ask Jacob Nielsen what he thinks of that
!! =:o

Click on Till-Cote Flooring ( sorry, nearly mis-spelled it, had to squint at
the screen, and I have *good* eyeseight ), again 1 minute to load.
How do I get back to the main page without using the browser's 'back' button
? Nohing intuitive here...

Ok, clicked 'back', and clicked on company overview - loads quicker, about
30" (still not great for what it is). Having to work *really* hard to read
this. Just 1pt size bigger would make it readable to those with 20-20
vision, 2pt's for the rest of us.

Out of interest, I took one of the images and exported for web in photoshop
and managed to reduce the file size from ~24K to ~10K with no appreciable
visual difference. I do this *all the time* as a web developer, so I know
what I'm doing. Not that it's hard...

Overall, I would say this was a modest attempt by an inexperienced designer.
You simply cannot throw graphics into DW and hope everything will be ok.
That is simly naive. To know what is going on behind the scenes is
paramount, both in the code and in the graphical arena. Web designers are a
strange breed, having equal amounts of artistic ability and technical
know-how. (That's why I am a web 'developer' - my tech side is stronger).

I can understand why a marketing team has created this. After 5 years of
designing for print, I am *very* concious of the difference between
desinging for print and designing for the web. Web designers are jealous of
their print associates in that you can happily send a 25Mb image to a
printer. The web is *so* different, and I don't think this particular
marketing company has grasped that yet.

my two penneth worh...

Phil Parker

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