[thelist] browser test please

Jen Worden jen at meadoworks.com
Tue May 7 11:06:01 CDT 2002

Hi Andrew ...

At 04:18 PM 07/05/02 +0100, Andrew Maynes wrote:
>I have just spoken to a client who says he would like another column after the
>books column making it 4 plus the nav menu.  I cant see this working at
>all, but
>he reckons there is loads of white space.  Could someone have a quick look

Certainly at 800 x 600, it'd be a squeeze, resulting in text columns
potentially one word wide. :P

But if the client's heart is set, you *could* get probably steal some extra
space from the nav menu. The longest is Company Profile and there's still
plenty of white space after it.

Of course, if *your* heart is set against it, then, No! Absolutely no space
at all! :)

cfn ... Jen

Jen Worden - Web Developer
meadoworks - http://www.meadoworks.com

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