[thelist] Interesting? (Was Font Sizing)
rgeise at geise.com
rgeise at geise.com
Tue May 7 15:54:01 CDT 2002
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Hey All
Since the "font sizing" issue seems to always elicit a religious
war...and I'm not trying to start another one here...I decided to look
at what the common practices were out there online. I chose large, well
known sites (both eCommerce, corporate and media) that are generally
considered high traffic sites and have to reach a wide demographic to
see what they do/use vs web developer/blog/designer sites.
I did this under Mac OSX (in case it's important to any of you) and
didn't spend a whole lot of time delving into alternative style sheets
being served by sniffing, etc. (I did check a few under Win 2K and they
seemed the same).
I found this informative/interesting and thought you might also.
You'll find...Tables vs CSS-P...Liquid vs Fixed...Width...Font Sizing
Feel free to add to the list/analysis.
StarTribune...Minneapolis...Fixed...765pxls (main)...580pxls
(sections)...Tables...CSS (H1 etc.)...4.01 Transitional
PioneerPress...St. Paul...Liquid...Tables...CSS (Using Points)...No
Chicago Tribune...Chicago...Fixed...760pxls...Tables...CSS(Using
Pixels)...No DocType
New York Times...New York...Fixed...765pxls...Tables...CSS...4.01
WashingtonPost...Washington...Fixed...765pxls...Tables...No CSS-Using
Font Tags...No DocType
LATimes...Los Angeles...Fixed...770pxls...Tables...CSS (Using
Pixels)...No DocType
Seattle Times...Seattle...Fixed...760pxls...Tables...No CSS-Using Font
Tags...No DocType
San Francisco Chronical...San Francisco...Fixed...760pxls...Tables...No
CSS-Using Font Tags...HTML Public
San Diego Union-Tribune...San Diego...Fixed...750pxls...Tables...CSS
(pts)...No DocType
Denver Post...Denver...Fixed...745pxls...Tables...No CSS-Using Font
Tags...No DocType
Boston Globe...Boston...Fixed...770pxls...Tables...No CSS-Using Font
Tags...No DocType
Miami Hearld...Miami...Liquid...Tables...CSS (pts)...No DocType
ZDnet/cNet...Fixed...750pxls...Tables...CSS (HTML)...No DocType
CNN...Fixed...770pxls...Tables...CSS (Using Pixels)...4.01 Transitional
ABC News...Fixed...778pxls...Tables...CSS (Using Points)...Bulldog Using
Frontpage <-?
CBS News...Fixed...755pxls...Tables...CSS (Using Pixels)...No DocType
NBC News...Fixed...765pxls...Tables...CSS (Using Pixels)...No DocType
Amazon...Liquid...Tables...CSS-Imbedded (HTML)...No DocType
Sears...Fixed...750pxls...Tables...CSS (Using Points)...No DocType
Target...Fixed...720pxls Ctrd...Tables...CSS (Using Points)...4.0
BestBuy...Fixed...780pxls...Tables...CSS-Embedded (HTML)...4.0
JCPenny...Fixed...750pxls...Tables...CSS (Using Pixels)...No DocType
LandsEnd...Fixed...750pxls...Tables...CSS (Using Ems)...No DocType
jCrew...Fixed...650pxls...Tables...CSS (Using Pixels)...No Doctype
TheGap...Fixed...750pxls...Tables...CSS (Using Pixels)...4.0 Transitional
Dell...Fixed...672pxls...Tables...CSS-Using Font Tags...3.2 Final
Gateway...Fixed...720pxls...Tables...CSS (Using Pixels)...No DocType
HP...Fixed...740pxls...Tables...CSS (??)...4.0 Transitional
Compaq...Fixed...720pxls...CSS (Using Pixels)...No DocType
Apple...Fixed...725pxls...CSS (Using Pixels)...4.0 Transitional
IBM...Fixed...760pxls...CSS (??)...No DocType
Randy Geise
Long time list lurker :-)
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