[thelist] ecommerce setup which only entails downloading the product

Sharon F. Malone sfmalo at 24caratdesign.com
Thu May 9 17:42:00 CDT 2002

Have a client who wants buyers to purchase his shareware by download only. So, no product would be physically shipped to a buyer. Not quite sure how to construct the coding for this. That is, click a Buy Now button taking buyer to the order form first where they would enter their credit card info, then that would pass to a Download page for the actual downloading of the zip file ????? If so, what about the time in between where the credit card info should be verified before download.

Could all this be done without using PHP, etc. or any database work?

If PayPal was used, how would their code fit into all this?

Just having a "blank day" conceptualizing this.

At this point, don't know if he wants to go with someone like PayPal or if he wants set up his own merchant account.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Sharon F. Malone
"web design and Internet writing services"
sfmalo at 24caratdesign.com

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