[thelist] Advice on Getting That First Client
Bob Boisvert
webdad at tampabay.rr.com
Fri May 10 12:31:00 CDT 2002
Here's a couple of suggestions,
Take a business class at your local Chamber of Commerce, then join the
Chamber (you may get a discount for taking the class), usually there is a
break in ad cost to members. The chamber paper gets sent to members all over
the local area.
Try to join in on a networking group, there are some groups that look for
specific businesses to join their group.
Make up some flyer's and post them, you can also ask local merchants if you
can place some hand outs on their counters.
Use your car. You can purchase stickers to spell out your business or web
site and stick them on you car. You should inquire about this with your auto
ins. company and see if this will require you to add additional insurance on
the vehicle.
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