[thelist] Content Publishing Systems Squash News Design

Jay Blanchard jay.blanchard at niicommunications.com
Mon May 20 09:41:01 CDT 2002

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"The typical content management system offers "layout tools, not design
tools." He says that template page creation offered by content management
systems will seldom suffice from the designer's perspective; they can't
offer anywhere near the page-design capabilities of software tools like
DreamWeaver (for Web pages) or Quark Xpress (for print)."

Why does a CMS offer layout tools? Shouldn't, as I have argued before, a CMS
deal with content that can then be delivered via many publishing mediums?
Layout tools, as stated here, would narrow the prospects of that unless
those tools took many mediums into account. Those tools are "publishing
management" not content management. If the author is trying to elicit
sympathy for designers who use tools that "can't offer anywhere near the
page-design capabilities of software tools like DreamWeaver"....I mean, come


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