[thelist] RE: [thelist][ot] Digital asset management systems - was (Content Publishing...)

Christopher Joseph Christopher at ideadesigners.com
Mon May 20 15:55:01 CDT 2002


> Christopher Joseph
> (IT Manager)
> mailto://christopher@ideadesigners.com
> http://ideadesigners.com
> ICQ 78019724
> SMS/Text message from mobile to ICQ +278314278019724
> Groove Networks global lookup ref: Christopher Joseph
> Yahoo IM = josephc_98

iDeadESigners.com ... Let me guess. Your site is running on Mac hardware,
and it's about the dangers of abusing digital signatures? (-;


...hmmm good job you sent the tip! better reciprocate :)

<tip type="software" Author="CJoseph">
A couple of days back I managed to get a site page to validate as XHTML 1.0
Transitional using W3C.orgs HTML validator. Only to find that W2C's CSS
validator did not like the XHTML after all. It seems like an editor i had
used to build the page had left an invisible character in my source code
that didn`t conform to the page's described charset. Using PFE (run a search
in tips for previous reference) you can use the 'find' menu option to search
for the character in hex that is throwing the unicode error in the CSS
validator results. To represent an arbitrary character code in the find
function, use the notation "\xnn", where "nn" represents two hexadecimal
digits. The null value "\x00" is not permitted.


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