[thelist] Currents trends in layout design

Webmaster webmaster at davidjaymz.com
Thu May 23 05:30:03 CDT 2002

There are a couple of fixes for CSS positioning in IE and Opera...

/* Here is the ugly brilliant hack that protects IE5/Win from its own
Thanks to Tantek Celik for the hack and to Eric Costello for publicizing it.
IE5/Win incorrectly parses the "\"}"" value, prematurely closing the style
declaration. The incorrect IE5/Win value is above, while the correct value
below. See http://glish.com/css/hacks.asp for details. */

voice-family: "\"}\"";

/* I've heard this called the "be nice to Opera 5" rule. Basically, it feeds
length values to user agents that exhibit the parsing error exploited above
yet get
the CSS box model right and understand the CSS2 parent-child selector.
ALWAYS include
a "be nice to Opera 5" rule every time you use the Tantek Celik hack
(above). */

body>#navAlpha {width:135px;}

that should fix any problems you're having...


---------Do You Remember Where I Am---------
-------Will You Find Me...Hurry Home--------
--------All The Monsters In My Head---------
-------If You Need Them...Hurry Home--------
-----------John Crooke...Jolene-------------
-----------Music For Music's Sake-----------
----------Do You Need Web Hosting?----------

Miriam Frost


Still working out some kinks, and god help those who browse with >5.x
browsers. And Netscape. And Opera. Oy.

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