[thelist] CF form problems...

Daniel Fascia danfascia at totalise.co.uk
Sun Jun 2 13:06:00 CDT 2002

Im trying to read the input from a set of radio buttons in CF for a multiple choice question engine Im making...

for some reason I can <CFOUTPUT> the values (for debugging) and they are working fine but I cannot evaluate them in <CFIF> or <CFSWITCH> expressions

anybody got any ideas.... code below.

BTW I know SWITCH is more elegant but hey, neither are working at the moment!?!?!


<form name="MCQ" method="POST" action="<cfoutput>index.cfm?case=#case#&section=mcq&page=1&action=check</cfoutput>">
	<p>What is the most likely causative organism for pneumonia in the UK?</p>
	<input type="radio" name="Question_<cfoutput>#page#</cfoutput>" value="1"> Streptococcus pneumoniae<br/>
	<input type="radio" name="Question_<cfoutput>#page#</cfoutput>" value="2"> Haemophilus influenzae<br/>
	<input type="radio" name="Question_<cfoutput>#page#</cfoutput>" value="3"> Legionella pneumophila<br/>
	<input type="radio" name="Question_<cfoutput>#page#</cfoutput>" value="4"> Viral pneumonia<br/><br/>
	<button type="submit">check answer</button>

<cfif isDefined("action")>
	<cfif action IS "check">

	<cfset answer = "Question_#page#">

		<cfif answer EQ "1">
		<cfelseif answer IS "2">


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