[thelist] Rip-Offs - You Have to Laugh...

Damelon KIMBROUGH d.kimbrough at wanadoo.fr
Thu Jun 6 14:37:23 CDT 2002

Le jeudi 6 juin 2002, à 04:34 PM, Richard H. Morris a écrit :

> Damelon KIMBROUGH [d.kimbrough at wanadoo.fr] wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>>> We'd be dishonest if we didn't acknowledge that anyone who is fairly
>>> computer-literate can write some text and paste some clipart onto a
>>> page and call it a web site.
>> This is so f**cking pathetic!
> Um, I wrote that...

Yes, I guess my insult was not clearly directed. I am not (was not)
saying the content of text blurb is pathetic. I was trying to say that
when you consider that they cut and pasted some text from another site,
that is pathetic (f**cking pathetic). I apologize if I was not clear.

Damelon Kimbrough
Lyon, France

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