[thelist] testing with multiple browsers

Mark Gallagher mark at cyberfuddle.com
Tue Jun 11 10:55:01 CDT 2002

Tom Dell'Aringa wrote:
 > How do all of you go about testing your sites on multiple
 > browser/platforms other than site check here on evolt? With the
 > unability to put more than one version of IE on your PC, and lack of
 > an Apple Mac (just sold mine, dernit) I essentially have access to
 > like 3 browsers, but I want to test about 4 more.

I'm running Linux/98 dual-boot.  With Linux I have access to Lynx,
Links, Dillo, Netscape Navigator 4.76, Mozilla 1 RC3, Konqueror, and
Opera 5 for Linux[0].  With Windows 98 I have access to Internet
Explorer 6, Mozilla 0.9.9, Lynx for Windows, Opera 5 for Windows, and
Netscape Navigator 4.74.

I also have a networked NT4 machine running IE2, which I occasionally
use just out of sheer curiosity.

At school, I have access to machines running Win2k and IE6, Win98 and
IE5.01, Win3.11 and Netscape Navigator 2, and Solaris and Netscape
Navigator 4.76.

This, obviously, gets me a wide variety of testing done rather easily.
Of course, when dealing with Macs, I sort of... well... continue on as
normal, then wait to see if any Mac users complain[1]. :o)

[0] I can also run Perl, PHP, and Python scripts, redirect the output to
     a file, then open that file in a browser - so, I don't need an
     external server.

[1] <breaks down in tears /> I'm not made of stone!

Mark Gallagher

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