[thelist] Validation > pressure on software companies??

Mark Gallagher mark at cyberfuddle.com
Sat Jun 15 10:05:01 CDT 2002

Martin Burns wrote:
 > On Friday, June 14, 2002, at 05:30  pm, mini-d wrote:
 >> Don't people chance of cars where they see is getting olders?
 > Some. Not all. I have a car which is 1998 vintage.

Yeah, that was a great year for cars.

Hee - "what do you want with that '98 Holden Commodore?  It's four years
out of date!"

<snip />

Damn, now I owe a tip.  Well, *another* tip anyway.

<tip type="tracking down thieves" author="Mark Gallagher">
If you've got an article or whatever that you believe is worth stealing,
it won't hurt to periodically check to see if anyone agrees.

Copy and paste a portion of your text into a search engine (meta search
engines like Dogpile are especially handy), and if it pops up with sites
other than your own, have a quick read of them - they've probably ripped
you off wholesale.

Mozilla even allows you to select text, right-click, and choose "search
for [selected text]".

Mark Gallagher

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