[thelist] Netscape doesn't load this page

{ schaapy } list01 at theparagon.org
Wed Jun 26 17:16:01 CDT 2002

> Above and beyond what others have suggested--which is carefully check the
> tag nesting--you might want to know that you are close, if not over, the 4
> table limit of Netscape.  While perhaps not documented officially, its
> commonly known that NN 4.x chokes when you embed tables more than 4 deep.

Sweet Joshua -
I was just thinking that but wasn't sure if it was a myth or factual. It
would however explain alot though if true :-)

I ended up changing a couple SMALL things today on the code but it still
hangs up Netscape 4.x. Crazy enough though - after waiting 3 minutes with
Netscape 4.x hung up, it then will display the page.

Wouldn't it be great if we could destroy 4.x browsers ;-)

Aaron Schaap

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