[thelist] ASP and form question

Marc Seyon seyon at delime.com
Mon Jul 8 18:42:01 CDT 2002

Message from Sharon F. Malone (7/8/2002 04:24 PM)
>Thanks for the suggestion, Michael. I've doublechecked my form field names
>but I'll check again. The method has always been POST for this form.
>Again, I wonder if I should get rid of the <input type=hidden>
>declarations I now have in the form. url is:


I don't have time to go through this in detail, but I see lots of you on
the case already. I'm throwing this out, hoping it might help solve the

Looking at these lines of code:

function Order_Form_Validator(theForm)

   if (theForm.name.value == "")
     alert("Please enter a value for the \"name\" field.");
     return (false);
     return (true);
<form name="InfoOrderForm" action="process.asp" method="post"
enctype="text/plain" onSubmit="return Order_Form_Validator(this)">

Could it be that the validator is not returning the form values because
it's being asked to look at theForm.name, when the name of the form is


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