[thelist] naming variables dynamically

Amazon Paulo Amazon.Paulo at Amazoniacelular.com.br
Wed Jul 31 12:06:01 CDT 2002


>Is it possible to name variables dynamically? I'm stuck.

yes you can name variables dynamically. This is an example:

for i = 1 to 10
	execute ("variable" & i & " = " & i)

This is the same as:

variable1 = 1
variable2 = 2
variable3 = 3

But I'd rather use the Dictionary object:

Set sd = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
for i = 1 to 10
	sd("variable" & i) = i

So we'll have sd("variable1"), sd("variable2") etc. Do not forget to set it
to nothing.

The major difference is about performance: using the "execute" statement,
ASP will parse the code twice. IIS will first execute the "execute"
statement itself, and then the "variablex = x".

I hope I have helped you.

/Paulo Guedes

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