[thelist] Mac - which browsers/OS to test?

Mark Howells webdev at mountain.ch
Thu Aug 22 10:41:19 CDT 2002

>> Any idea how Omniweb identifies itself? I'm getting about 1,500 visitors a
>> week and it's never appeared in my stats.

> Well, its one of those browsers that can spoof its ident, in version 4.1
> Omni 'thoughtfully' include a choice of 15 different possibilites in a
> handy pop-up menu (in the 'compatibility' section of the prefs!).


> It's not really suprising you don't see it your logs is it Mark? :)

I guess not! But from the feedback I've heard about the Omniweb browser,
it's about as much use for internet browsing as a box of shoelaces, so I'm
not that fussed.

Mark Howells

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