[thelist] &

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Fri Sep 27 06:05:01 CDT 2002


> From: Stevenson Ngila
> Thank u very much. What if you have 2 characters to be
> replaced. i.e. if the value contains both '&' and '<'
> How do you go about it?

well, logic would dictate that you'd apply two calls to the Replace() function to accomplish this task.  you can either do it nested or you can perform a single assignment for each one.

<cfset my_new_string = Replace(your_db_column_name, "&", "&amp;", "ALL")><cfset my_new_string = Replace(my_new_string, "<", "&lt;", "ALL")>

alternatively, you could also use the ReplaceList() function:

<cfset my_new_string = ReplaceList(your_db_column_name, "&,<", "&amp;,&lt;")>

always apply the & replacement first.

good luck,


jeff at members.evolt.org

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