[thelist] Intranets and proprietary code

s t e f notabene at members.evolt.org
Sat Oct 12 14:20:20 CDT 2002

<who=".jeff" when="11:47 12/10/02 -0700">
>yes.  site administration tools and/or intranets have been developed
>exclusively for win/ie.  for one, it drastically reduces development time
>for the typical tools an intranet needs.  for two, some of the third party
>tools we use to make things easier on our users require win/ie and/or
>active-x support.

Same here although I'm still evangelising for simple ALt and TITLE thingies
before people come to think of one-browser-only.

It's quite funny because our intranet (something like 100,000 PCs, I'm
told) was developed on most intranet web sites with Netscape4 in mind.
Yeah, right.

Then the internal standards organization (you need one in such a big
company) decided that all the sites should be IE-compliant.

He he. Then started the headaches for all those people.

Me? I came at a time when I can just say: "I code for standards, so sue me
if it DOES work in all the browsers, and degrade in some."

Sorry, can't help a little chuckle :-)

s t e f

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