[thelist] ASP Problems again..

Giles Carey | Element Design giles at elementdesign.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Oct 31 07:54:01 CST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Help needed urgently.. i have struggled over this ofr hours...
This is the error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: ''

/laurenceoxley/imagedetail.asp, line 85

This is the code:

<base href = "http://www.elementdesign.dc-hosting.co.uk/laurenceoxley">
<!--<base href = "http://localhost/aspproject/">-->
<script language="javascript">

<BODY leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 bgcolor= "#FFFBF0">
 <TABLE WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 >
   <TD height=40px align=center >
   <TABLE WIDTH=90% HEIGHT=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 >
    <TD height=40px width=80% align=right >

   <TD WIDTH= valign=top align=center width=100%>

 Dim strSql
 Dim objconn, strprovider
 Dim intRecordsPerPage
 Dim intCounter
 Dim iPage
 Dim intTotalPages

 'retrieving page number
 iPage=request.querystring ("iPage")

 if iPage = "" then
    iPage =1
 end if

 Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

 Set objconn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 strprovider = "Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb); DBQ=e:\domains\elementdesign.dc-hosting.co.uk\user\private\prices.mdb;"
 'strprovider = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\RameshPersist\prices.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"

 strSQL = " SELECT " & _
      " * " & _
    " FROM " & _
     " priceTable ;"

   rs.Open strSQL, objconn, 3

   if rs.recordcount > 0 then
     intRecordsPerPage = 250
     intTotalPages = cint(rs.RecordCount/intRecordsPerPage)
     if (rs.RecordCount mod intRecordsPerPage) > 0 then
     end if

     while not rs.eof and iCounter < (iPage-1)*intRecordsPerPage
   iCounter = iCounter + 1
   iCounter = 0

  <table align=center width=90% bgcolor= "#FFFBF0">
    <td  align="right" colspan=4>
    <% If iPage <> 1 then %>
      <a href="showimage.asp?ipage=<% = (iPage-1) %>">
      <font face="verdana" size=2>Previous</font>
    <% end if %>
      [ Page Number<%response.write iPage %> out of <% response.write intTotalPages%>]
    <% if cint(iPage) <> cint(intTotalPages) then %>
       <a href="showimage.asp?ipage=<% = (iPage+1) %>">
       <font face="verdana" size=2>Next</font>
    <% end if %>
  <TABLE WIDTH=90% border=1 bordercolor="navy" cellspacing=0 align=center bgcolor= "#FFFBF0">
   <FORM  name="frmShowImage" method="Post" action="{FileName}" onsubmit="return(fnValidateForm())">
  <tr bgcolor="#80A0C0">
   <td width=35% align=center><font size=5>Author</font>
   <td width=35% align=center><font size=5>Title</font>
   <td width=15% align=center><font size=5>Price</font>
   <td width=15% align=center><font size=5>&nbsp;</font>


    while (not rs.EOF and intCounter < intRecordsPerPage)

     <tr bgcolor="#FFFBF0">
      <td align=center>&nbsp;<%response.write(rs("Artist")) %>
      <td align=center>&nbsp;<%response.write(rs("Title")) %>
      <td align=center>&nbsp;
       if rs("Price")<> "" then
        response.write("£" &rs("Price"))
       end if
      <td align=center>&nbsp;<a href="http://www.elementdesign.dc-hosting.co.uk/laurenceoxley/imagedetail.asp?ID=<%=rs("ID") %>">Further Information</a>
    intCounter = intCounter + 1
  <table align=center width=90% bgcolor= "#FFFBF0">
    <td  align="right" colspan=4>
    <% If iPage <> 1 then %>
      <a href="showimage.asp?ipage=<% = (iPage-1) %>">
      <font face="verdana" size=2>Previous</font>
    <% end if %>
     [ Page Number<%response.write iPage %> out of <% response.write intTotalPages%>]

    <%  if cint(iPage) <> cint(intTotalPages) then %>
       <a href="showimage.asp?ipage=<% = (iPage+1) %>">
       <font face="verdana" size=2>Next</font>
    <% end if %>

 <% else
 <tr bgcolor="#FFFBF0">
  <td colspan=4 align=center><Font color=red size=5> No Records Found</font>
   <% end if  %>
   <!-***********************************************HIDDEN FIELDS****************************-->
<input type="hidden" name=iPage value = "<%=iPage%>">


Please help as this one is driving me mad!


Giles Carey

giles at elementdesign.biz

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