[thelist] ASP - Assigning to variables

Dave Stevens dave at stemfiction.com
Sun Dec 1 19:28:17 CST 2002

Hi all,

Just having my first dabble in ASP today, was wondering how to do this:
I'm using a very simple script to email the results of a form to the email
address selected on the contact form, and the subject is also entered by the
user on the form.

Basically I have the input box on the form for the subject, named "subject"
which is being read in to the asp page as follows:
SubjectLine = CStr(Request("subject"))

I am then setting the subject line of the email as follows:
objNewMail.Subject = SubjectLine

Which works fine, very happy with it.
However, to make it nice and easy to sort these messages at my end, when
they arrive, I'd like to add a unique identifier to the subject line, such
as the list adds [thelist].

I've tried
objNewMail.Subject = "stem. message:"; SubjectLine

which I'm sure is correct Visual Basic, but I get a 500 internal server
error on the script.

Could someone help me out?
Dave Stevens,  www.stemfiction.com

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