[thelist] XHTML - Nexted Divs

Nik Schramm n at industriality.com
Sun Dec 29 08:26:01 CST 2002

On 29.Dec.02 14:58 Martyn Haigh wrote

> My page URL is http://www.phiniusgage.com

The vast majority of your Mozilla-based problems come from the fact that
you have a style rule for #RightHandBar in Common.css but the html code says

<div id="rightHandBar">

If you change the style rule to #rightHandBar Mozilla accepts the
positioning info for the div and the page displays (mostly) as IE does,
except the .content divs need more left/right margin in order to match
IE. I didn't spy deeply enough into the css to determine what exactly
causes this, but you should be able to figure that one out by yourself
(if not, shout). You might want to have a look at
http://www.stiftung-noah.de/en/ which uses a similar layout technique
(positioned left and right bars around center content with margins) if
you get stuck.

FWIW, I noticed that you use an inconsistent
"namingAndCapitalizationScheme" throughout, which is obviously the root
of this problem. I tend to avoid issues like this by enforcing
lower-case IDs and ClassNames throughout, even if the legibility suffers
a bit as a result.

Good luck


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