[thelist] PHP blogger

Boris Mann boris at bmannconsulting.com
Sun Jan 5 12:50:02 CST 2003


Needs PHP and MySQL. Very, very configurable -- meaning you can
basically design your page however you see fit, and just throw in a few
<?php ?> tags that grab your blog content or other info stored in your
pMachine database.


Its base installation is more of a community portal, but it does do an
excellent job of blogs, including individual blogs for every user.
Probably not the best choice if you want to integrate with something
else -- Drupal does best running the whole show.


No installation on your personal site -- you just need FTP access. Edit
the template online to make it integrate with your site.

Boris Mann

There are free, personal, and pro versions.

On Sunday, January 5, 2003, at 03:31  AM, Aleem Bawany wrote:

> I haven't done much blogging or used any blogging scripts
> as such but I know many of you have so here goes.
> I am looking for something in PHP, easy to customize and
> integrate with my existing site (smarty support is
> perfect). A bare bones blogger would be fine too, with
> possibility for expanding later on. I used bloxsom but
> that's perl and I really don't want to use SSI.
> Any resource with a list of bloggers and descriptions/
> ratings would be nice too.
> aleem

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