[thelist] PHP blogger

Aleem Bawany aleem.bawany at utoronto.ca
Mon Jan 6 05:06:01 CST 2003

> you need to give the body a background-color.  my default
> gray background color sticks out like a sore thumb with
> your design.

funny, I never realized it was missing and it never showed me a
gray background, but i added it right now. what browser are
you using b.t.w?

> you also need to fix the xmlrpx.php in the pingback <link>
> tag on your blog. right now it's referencing a file that
> doesn't exist -- http://members.evolt.org/xmlrpc.php.
> however, if you fix the filepath to include /aleem/ it
> then goes into an infinite loop of errors.

the links works now, but where is the xmlrpc link ? I can't
even see it? I tried going to it manually and it works:

I didn't know about the rpc feature, but it's something!
I'm looking at some APIs and tools right now, but I'm
wondering... is it possible to invoke a procedure call
through the browser address bar by passing values as
parameters (since you invoked it from the browser)?

> Warning: OpenDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in
> /home/aleem/public_html/_includes/setup.php on line 87
> Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid
> Directory resource in
> /home/aleem/public_html/_includes/setup.php on line 89

that was my error.php script for 404s, nothing to do with
xmlrpc but it's fixed now.


[ http://members.evolt.org/aleem/ ]

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