El lun, 06-01-2003 a las 11:55, Christopher Joseph escribió: > Lachlan Cannon wrote: > > > Appreciate your sentiment but I was really looking for a way to store it > and then to transform it to XHTML as a starter XML/XSLT project. Hi Christopher, some links here that may be of interest. 1) Tantek Celik reflects about optimizing his blog's markup (check previous posts too) http://www.tantek.com/log/2002/12.html#blog20021231t1332 2) This weblog is pure XML (RSS) + CSS. No HTML involved. http://webaccess.mozquito.com/features/index.xml 3) BlogML, proposal and discussion http://www.actsofvolition.com/index.cfm?section=board&id=527#p 4) Threadneedle would allow for tracking distributed conversations across blogs http://weblog.burningbird.net/archives/000291.php -- Un saludo ___________ mort manuel en netbustion.com , logica en simplelogica.net http://simplelogica.net <= Simplelógica, creación web