[thelist] Blog XML Schema or RELAX NG (Was PHP blogger)

mort manuel at netbustion.com
Mon Jan 6 05:45:01 CST 2003

El lun, 06-01-2003 a las 11:55, Christopher Joseph escribió:
> Lachlan Cannon wrote:
> Appreciate your sentiment but I was really looking for a way to store it
> and then to transform it to XHTML as a starter XML/XSLT project.

Hi Christopher, some links here that may be of interest.

1) Tantek Celik reflects about optimizing his blog's markup (check
previous posts too)

2) This weblog is pure XML (RSS) + CSS. No HTML involved.

3) BlogML, proposal and discussion

4) Threadneedle would allow for tracking distributed conversations
across blogs

Un saludo
manuel en netbustion.com , logica en simplelogica.net
http://simplelogica.net <= Simplelógica, creación web

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