[thelist] PHP blogger

Aleem Bawany aleem.bawany at utoronto.ca
Mon Jan 6 07:27:15 CST 2003

> looks to me like you need to add /aleem/blog/ to the path
> to the xmlrpc file then.

it's fixed now

> well, sorta.  your paths in your 404 document are
> relative so they're tacked onto whatever the path is
> that's causing the 404 to begin with.  i suspect that
> there are some portions of your css that isn't being
> brought in correctly either (same path problem).

the path problem has thus far been a pain in the ass!
I thought I had it all down until I uploaded the site.
it works now... I hope.

> one other thing i noticed.  when in the blog section the
> top nav elements have the right item highlighted.
> however, the bottom nav has the wiki link highlighted.

good catch, fixed now.


[ http://members.evolt.org/aleem/ ]

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