[thelist] generating an order #

Erik Mattheis gozz at gozz.com
Tue Jan 7 02:22:01 CST 2003

Not understanding why autonumber won't work.

Is the problem that you send the processor an id for a new order and
the processor returns (or lists) the order id of a returning
customer's last order? If so, it sounds like a customer id that
you're not using anyway ... is ignoring the "problem" problematic?

Or does your code come up with the customer's last order id before
it's sent to the processor? If so, is it possible that your code that
deals with a returning customer grabs their last order id and keeps
it in scope higher than the order id you want to use for their new

At 1:02 AM -0600 1/7/03, Jeremy Weiss wrote:
>I'm writing some scripts to do online credit card processing.  The processor
>requires that I pass them an order number along with everything else and I'm
>not quite sure how to go about creating an order number.
>My first thought was to just use the autonumber field for the record as it's
>added to the database but when an existing customer returns to order more,
>then new order is listed along with the same id.


- Erik Mattheis

(612) 377 2272


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