[thelist] Apple releases new browser for OS X - "Safari"

Timothy J. Luoma luomat at operamail.com
Tue Jan 7 12:30:12 CST 2003

On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 13:21:30 -0500, aardvark <roselli at earthlink.net> wrote:

>> From: Boris Mann <boris at bmannconsulting.com>
>> The webcast is still going on right now --
> alright, so missed his announcement...
> did he say anything about the rendering engine?  any other details?

Supposed to be based on something called KHTML, open source... they are
releasing their changes back to the community.

Steve: "<em>Some people</em> have a problem with Open Source.... we don't,
we think it's great, and we're happy to give back to the community"

Also supposed to render 3x faster than IE and faster even them Chimera (no
word on if it is faster than Opera on Mac ;-)

"Very standards based" ... Steve put up a chart and I could read CSS 1 and
CSS 2 and DOM 0 1 2

It's going to be a free demo on their site later today (not there yet, I
just checked)


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