[thelist] writing a variable to file in PHP

Tom Dell'Aringa pixelmech at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 7 14:54:01 CST 2003


I'm dynamically writing a PHP file that has some variables in it. Two
of my opening lines are thus:
$body  = "<?\n";
$body .= "$connect = mysql_connect 'ip', 'login', 'pw');\n";

When I open my generated file, I only get:

 = @mysql_connect('', 'moshe', 'silvermysql');

For some reason it is *I think* trying to write the value of
$connect. How can I avoid this so it gets written out as a variable?
I figured since it was inside the string it would, but then PHP does
parse vars inside a string...help!


var me = tom.pixelmech.webDeveloper();

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