[thelist] Grabbing output from js to a file

Aleem Bawany aleem.bawany at utoronto.ca
Wed Jan 8 02:35:01 CST 2003

> As I explained it, you can have your user download the HTA
> and run it as an app. BUT, you can also have them access
> it from your webserver in their browser. They will get a
> prompt from IE to run the HTA, if I remember right it's a
> prompt to run an ActiveX. From then on the page is an HTA
> and can access their hard drive. There is a penalty for
> doing it this way. If they download and run it as an app
> from their hard drive you can place all of your
> javascript in a compiled dll that is accessed by the HTA
> to protect your Javascript code, if delivered from the
> website your code is available to "view source".

I decided to use the script encoder instead:

it's as simple as:
screnc script.js scriptEncoded.js

and including it with:
<script LANGUAGE="JScript.Encode" src="scriptEncoded.js"></script>

it's much simpler and to the point. HTA looks like a lot of fun...
a new window of possibilities (lame pun intended).


[ http://members.evolt.org/aleem/ ]

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