[thelist] Safari details + UA string (was Apple releases new browser for OS

Lachlan Cannon luminosity at members.evolt.org
Wed Jan 8 08:05:01 CST 2003

Peter-Paul Koch wrote:
>>> And before anyone asks it uses the following UA string:
>>> "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/48 (like
>>> Gecko) Safari/48"
>> Ugh. Why the hell did they put Gecko in the UA string? So now instead
>> of a
>> reliable way to pick moz based browsers out further filtering is needed.
>> Thanks Apple...
> Usual reason: people use browser detects to spot standards compliant
> browsers and Safari wishes to end up on the correct side of those detects.

Yes, but I have no idea if it supports text/xml with xhtml + mathml and
have no way of finding out. if it can't handle it, they're just hurting
their users.

> Don't use a browser detect. Ever. For whatever reason.

I hate browser detects as much as anyone, but thanks to the incompitence
of IE I have no choice. xhtml + mathml should be served as text/xml, but
IE tries to read some ridiculously huge dtd when it is, and what's
worse, says the dtd has an error and craps out. Moz works perfectly. How
else am I meant to differentiate?
Web: http://illuminosity.net/
E-mail: lach @ illuminosity.net
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