[thelist] Safari details + UA string (was Apple releases new browser for OS

Peter-Paul Koch gassinaumasis at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 8 09:00:51 CST 2003

> > I don't really see how one could do for
> > server-side thingies, if not through the UA string.
>i think what ppk is suggesting is that if you need to know what browser has
>made the request, then there's something about what you're serving up that
>needs a rethink
>but i suppose that's just my interpretation

Yup, thanks Rudy. That's exactly what I meant and you worded it better than
I did in my other mail.

Now for actually writing a Safari review (impression: on the whole

ppk, freelance web developer
Interaction, copywriting, JavaScript, integration
Column "Keep it Simple": http://www.digital-web.com/columns/keepitsimple/
Nieuw: Jaaroverzicht 2002

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