[thelist] Safari details + UA string (was Apple releases new browser for OS

RUST Randal RRust at COVANSYS.com
Wed Jan 8 09:16:00 CST 2003

Stef said:

> We needed quite a complex dhtml collapsible menu. I decided
> that we would not implement it for older navigators (like
> NN4.x). Yet half our intranet is equipped with NN4.5
> (although the admins are doing their best to upgrade all the
> mchines, but hey... several tens of thousands).

If you're in a controlled environment, where you only have 1-2 UA strings to
sniff out, then I can understand the logic behind it.  Otherwise, I'd agree
with PPK. Which brings me to this...

> We opted for a plain-vanilla, all-unfolded menu for older and
> text browsers, and dhtml-showoff menus for modern browsers
> (being on an intranet lets you be a little less demanding on
> 100% compliance, I guess).

So why sniff at all?  Couldn't you have written and linked the CSS and JS in
a way that it isn't read by the older browsers?


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